Data > Course of Introduction to Datomic: A chronological database is part of courses of em Data. Discussions about this course
Course summary Understand how a chronological database works Use transactions and queries Access your data history Learn the importance of entities, attributes and values Maintain historical data Target Audience Developers who want to use with Datomic with Clojure. Related Content Courses of Data Already a student? Start the course now 10h To conclusion 50 Activities 234 Minutes of video 293 Students in this course 8.9 Grade for this course Certificate of participation Instructors Rodrigo Gunisalvo Detailed content Schema and transaction Checking the connectivity with the Project Connectivity between REPL and the source code The Product Catalog Modelling the Catalog in Clojure Our first Schema definition Our first Data Load Our first Query Schemas Further Reading: Initializing the Schema Retract, Updates and Code Structure How to structure Datoms Preparing to perform an Update How to handle Asynchronous Code Our first Updates A little bit of housekeeping Organizing the first Query Using db:add Further Reading: Atomic Transactions with Datomic More Queries Another way to think about Queries Our first Query Argument A simple Result Set Some Issues with our current Approach Fetching multiple Attributes Variable Binding The Pull Operator Using Pull Do as showcased in the video lesson Snapshots and the 'As Of' filter Why do we need Snapshots The 'As Of' filter Snapshots Optimizations and Cardinality Preparing for Lesson 6 Our first Query Plan Searching by Tags Reviewing Add and Retract Query for List members Cardinality Don't study with us yet? Invest in your career! Start now