Logo da Alura


We are part of a group that believes in the power of education and technology to help transform people and their careers.

We know Tech work has changed. Professions have become increasingly liquid and the boundaries between them are no longer well defined. Being a software development specialist is no longer enough to be a good developer. To deliver big results, it's necessary to dive deep your specialty while also sailing the seas of other tech areas, such as UX, Digital Marketing or Data Science. Alura understands that today's professionals needs to be -shaped professionals.

The largest Brazilian platform for technology courses.

Improve your skills as a technology professional! Supported by immersive content, you will create a portfolio, share your knowledge, and go beyond our courses, trainings, and bootcamps.


Courses on our plataform

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Join the 500k people that

Paulo Silveira

CEO and Co-founder of Grupo Alura

Guilherme Silveira

Head of Education and Co-founder of Grupo Alura

A little bit about us

Alura came to be as the online platform of Caelum, the face-to-face technology school of our group.

The project was developed by Paulo and Guilherme, who realized that many students didn’t have access to the content they wanted to study. Traditionally, students faced challenges such as physical location, lack of free time, and differences in how they learn and respond to learning materials.

So, in 2011, the online platform was born. With its success, the Alura brand was created in June of 2013.

Still to this day, Alura's mission is to be more than a technology learning platform. We want people to invest their time in an effective manner, studying whenever and wherever they want, and join a collaborative community of students and instructors.


Discover immersive content in various formats. Expand your learning by reading articles, listening to podcasts, watching web series, and participating in active exchanges with instructors and students.


Our blog is updated weekly with articles developed by experts. Complement your programming, UX, and other studies with weekly reading topics

Alura Youtube channel

Our YouTube channel has various technology, design, and digital business content. Alura offers both short and practical classes and webseries, such as Hipsters Dot Tube.

Alura Immersions

Free content for those who already study on the platform and those that are looking to learn more about the platform. With the support of those who have mastered their subject, our immersions are knowledge marathons, focusing on topics such as programming, data science, and many others.

Want to develop your team?

Mercado Livre Cit Santander Porto Seguro Dasa Globo ThoughtWorks Totvs Samsung Nubnak Itau Algar Stone
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our divers

Get to know the stories of those who have navigated in different areas of knowledge at Alura.

Sérgio Pellegrini Faria

Sérgio Pellegrini Faria

An excellent course, I thought the didactic was fantastic. Shoutout to Paulo Silveira, who explained part by part, code by code, from the beginning to the end.

Java OO: Introdução à Orientação a Objetos
Nádia Oliveira

Nádia Oliveira

The platform is amazing. The course methodologies are accessible to both those who are just starting out and those who already know a thing or two about technology.

Java OO: Introdução à Orientação a Objetos
Diogo Alves Miranda

Diogo Alves Miranda

Final project was very well thought out and it was easy to review all the course content I needed.

Java OO: Introdução à Orientação a Objetos

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